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Here minimal injuries made to the body parts to view the problem inside and treat it. Less damage done to the body than open surgery. Laparoscopy is the commonest of MIS.
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery
It is safe and effective technique, take minimal injury to the body, reduces hospital stay, reduce the complications, patient can return back to the work in Short time.
Risks are less when compared to the traditional open surgery. Usual complications are with anaesthesia, bleeding and infection and injury to the internal body parts.
Looking into the uterine cavity through the vagina. Using small lighted instruments connected to camera.
How laparoscopy done?
Ans. It is done through one or more small cuts, using small tubes, small cameras and surgical instruments.
It is another type of MIS. It provides magnified 3D view of surgical site and helps Surgeon to operate with precision, flexibility and Control.
Major operations like uterus removal, fibroid removal, ovarian cyst removal, ectopic pregnancy, Cancer surgery in uterus, cervix and ovary.
Injury to the uterus, bleeding problems, and fluid retention.
Studying about uterine cavity looking septum, removal of polyps, removal of fibroid, removal of retained products after abortion, removing IU device like Coperti.
Uterine cavity distended with fluid, Lighted hysteroscopic connected to camera introduced, Looking at screen using different operations instruments, using different types of surgery are done.