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Gynecological laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows gynecologists to visualize and access the pelvic organs using a laparoscope, a thin, lighted instrument inserted through small incisions in the abdomen. It is commonly used for diagnosing and treating various gynecological conditions.
Gynecological laparoscopy can be used to diagnose and treat a range of conditions, including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, adhesions, and infertility issues. It can also be used for procedures such as hysterectomy, removal of the ovaries, and tubal ligation.
Gynecological laparoscopy offers several advantages over traditional open surgery. It involves smaller incisions, resulting in less scarring, reduced post-operative pain, and faster recovery times. The risk of infection is also lower, and patients generally experience shorter hospital stays. Additionally, laparoscopy provides a magnified view of the pelvic organs, allowing for more precise diagnosis and treatment.
The duration of a gynecological laparoscopy procedure can vary depending on the specific condition being treated and the complexity of the case. Generally, the procedure itself can range from 30 minutes to a few hours. However, this does not include the time required for anesthesia, preparation, and recovery.
Although gynecological laparoscopy is considered a safe procedure, there are some potential risks and complications. These can include bleeding, infection, damage to nearby organs or blood vessels, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and the formation of scar tissue. It is important for patients to discuss these risks with their gynecologist and follow post-operative instructions carefully to minimize the chances of complications.
Preparation for a gynecological laparoscopy procedure typically involves a pre-operative assessment by your gynecologist. You may be instructed to stop taking certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding. Fasting may be required for a specific period before the procedure. It's important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider regarding medication, diet, and any necessary tests or imaging prior to the procedure.
After a gynecological laparoscopy, you may experience some abdominal discomfort, shoulder pain (due to gas used during the procedure), and minor vaginal bleeding. Pain medication and rest are often recommended to manage any discomfort. Your healthcare provider will provide specific postoperative instructions regarding wound care, physical activity restrictions, and when it is safe to resume normal activities. Recovery times can vary, but most individuals can typically return to work and normal activities within a week or two.
It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider. These may include avoiding strenuous physical activity, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse for a specific period of time. It's crucial to attend follow-up appointments as scheduled and inform your healthcare provider of any unusual symptoms or concerns during the recovery period.
Gynecological laparoscopy involves making small incisions, usually less than a centimeter in size. As a result, the scars are typically very small and fade over time. Most laparoscopic scars are well hidden within the natural creases of the abdomen and are generally less noticeable compared to scars from traditional open surgery.
Gynecological laparoscopy is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. This allows for optimal patient comfort and allows the surgeon to perform the procedure safely. However, in some cases, local or regional anesthesia may be used instead, depending on the specific procedure and patient factors. The choice of anesthesia will be discussed with you by your healthcare provider prior to the surgery
The chance of a normal couple getting a pregnancy when they are trying with unprotected sex in a
month is about 20%. If they are not able to acheive a pregnancy even after 1 year then they should
consult a fertility specialist for specific investigations.
PCOD is general hormonal imbalance in female body which result in difficulties or failure of ovulation. How ever there are womens who ovulate naturally with PCOD the chances to get pregnant will improve. If the follow good diet plan and life style modification.
More than the size fibroid its is the location where it grows Uterus decides the chance of getting pregnancy
Most common cause of erectile dysfunction is mental stress and lifestyle diseases. Having consultation with your physician make sure diabetics and hypertension are under control there are effective medicine v treatment of erectile dysfunction.
The chance of having abnormal baby is not significantly higher in with IVF treatment.
ART pregnancies may sometimes attract unforeseen complication during pregnancies however with reason advances in fetal Complications can be detected very early and can be treated.
Decision to the deliver a baby through caesarean section or vaginal delivery is taken by the concerned obstetrician only. After assessing the obstetric risks involved Method of conception hardly make any impact on that.
The most important thing to consider with your diet during IVF is consistency the food you eat should be healthy and varied. Consider adding the following foods to your meal plan before you undertake IVF to offer your body the help it needs.

* Fresh fruit and vegetables
* Whole grains, such as quinoa and whole grain pasta
* Avocados, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, and seeds
Lean proteins such as chicken and fish
*Reduce consumption of red meat and highly processed food.

The best nutrients for fertility and pregnancy:

Folic acid
* Folic acid helps develop a baby’s neural tube, which becomes p
Here minimal injuries made to the body parts to view the problem inside and treat it. Less damage done to the body than open surgery. Laparoscopy is the commonest of MIS.
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery
It is safe and effective technique, take minimal injury to the body, reduces hospital stay, reduce the complications, patient can return back to the work in Short time.
Risks are less when compared to the traditional open surgery. Usual complications are with anaesthesia, bleeding and infection and injury to the internal body parts.
Looking into the uterine cavity through the vagina. Using small lighted instruments connected to camera.
How laparoscopy done?
Ans. It is done through one or more small cuts, using small tubes, small cameras and surgical instruments.
It is another type of MIS. It provides magnified 3D view of surgical site and helps Surgeon to operate with precision, flexibility and Control.
Major operations like uterus removal, fibroid removal, ovarian cyst removal, ectopic pregnancy, Cancer surgery in uterus, cervix and ovary.
Injury to the uterus, bleeding problems, and fluid retention.
Studying about uterine cavity looking septum, removal of polyps, removal of fibroid, removal of retained products after abortion, removing IU device like Coperti.
Uterine cavity distended with fluid, Lighted hysteroscopic connected to camera introduced, Looking at screen using different operations instruments, using different types of surgery are done.
You don't need to remove uterus because fibroid, fibroids may range in size from a small sub centimetric to large more than 20 cm filling the abdomen. Multiple fibroids in the uterus may sometimes require removal of uterus when we try to remove fibroids because of heavy bleeding during surgery.
When we remove uterus, ovary loses its support from uterus for its function. So one can go for symptoms of hormonal deficiency (menopause).
No, very often they are removed if patient has bleeding symptoms associated or has infertility.
Uterine fibroids are removed if they are large (more than 6 cm) or if they cause symptoms like heavy bleeding, foul smelling discharge per vagina.
6 cm or above.
Fibroid has subserous can have engorged vessels on its surface. these may bleed into peritoneal cavity causing severe pain and abdominal distention. This may need emergency surgery.
Generally, in young age group fibroids are not cancerous. Cancer usually is seen in fibroids when they grow rapidly after menopause.
Uterus removal with along with ovaries cause condition called surgical menopause. acute symptoms like hot flushes during day and night which can cause sleep disturbance, emotional symptoms include irritability, poor concentration, poor memory and lose of self-esteem, vaginal dryness causes pain full sex.

Late symptoms like, loss of born density, increase risk for heart problems, increase risk for dementia. Most of symptoms can be treated by hormone therapy.
Generally there are two types of factors affecting fertility. Modifiable and non modifiable are both factors. Modifiable factors are diet, exercise, good sleep, awareness and knowledge about sexual practices.
You must consider visiting an fertility consultant if you are not able to conceive after trying for more than a year.
Yes, mostly life style diseases are the primary culprits.
Female partner should undergo with ultrasound scanning & some blood test, m
Male partner should undergo with semen analysis.
IUI success rate 25 - 30%, IVF success rate 40-45%. Success rate will decrease as the age of couple increase.
Its a journey which may take from 3 month to one year.
Alcohol consumption in pregnancy can have serious effects on your baby. It increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, birth defects, low birth weight. It can also cause your baby to develop a serious life long condition called fetal alcohol spectrum of disorder.
Amount of weight gain depends on your situation. 7 to 11 kg weight gain in pregnancy is considered healthy in pregnancy. However, in obese and overweight in pregnancy mother weight gain should be lesser. Under weight (4 to 7 Kg) women will need to gain more (13 to 15Kg).
We at kinder offers multiple pain relief methods during labour. Options include breathing & relaxation practices, medications, laughing gas, epidural injection and TENS. Women can choose from all the options available according to their wishes and demands.
Cesarean section are recommended when the mother or the baby at the risk. There are multiple reasons why a cesarean section can be recommended. Like fetal distress, breech, placenta previa, previous Cesarean section, etc.
Like any other surgical procedure episiotomy can have adverse outcomes like pain, swelling, gaping, injection etc. How ever your doctor may suggest episiotomy incase require at the time of child birth to make the opening larger.
Regular exercise during pregnancy is safe & beneficial. However its your doctor has advised rest due to previous miscarriage, low lying placenta, short cervix, preterm pain, twins etc then exercise need to avoid.
Epidurals are generally safe but like with as medication side effects & complications sometimes happen. Sometime epidural want block your pain. Its normal for your blood pressure fall a little when you have epidural, sometimes it can make you sick, sometimes it can cause temporary side effects like loss of blader control, headache etc. You and your baby will be closely monitored for such adverse effect.